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Recommendations are given to a cache other than your own that you feel is worthy of your endorsement. You earn just 1 recommendation for every 10 Finds thus your recommendation is very valuable and not to be given lightly. Essentially, it is an honor if your cache receives a recommendation. Recommendations are separate from beordelingen as anyone who finds a cache may rate it. Ratings and recommendations encourage users to place quality caches and to maintain them. This is a major factor in making sure our database contains imaginative, well maintained caches.
To Recommend a Cache
- Locate and select the cache you want to recommend.
- At the top of the cache listing, click the New Log Entry tab.
- Select the Type of Log you wish to create.
- If you have an unused Recommendation, you will be given the option to use it here.
- Rate the cache based on your personal opinion.
- Enter your comments about the cache.
- Click the Submit Log Entry button.